What to do when you see baby roaches?
Roaches, whether small or large can be an incredibly annoying and disgusting experience, more so when in your kitchen. This is because roaches are known to scurry all over, invading your cutlery, drawers, and worst of all your food. Roaches carry dirt and bacteria, and having them in your kitchen could actually be fatal.
So what does it mean when you start seeing baby roaches?
When you spot baby roaches in your home or kitchen, it could only mean one thing; you have an incoming problem. This could also be a sign of a serious roach infestation in your home. Having baby roaches in your home means that there are active adults that are reproducing. However, you don’t need to panic since this does not always mean that you have an infestation problem, but it’s a sure sign of one.
So what are the risks involved?
If you ignore these warning signs, the worst could happen. The biggest risk in these circumstances is a giant infestation. However, if you are already dealing with an infestation problem, then you have a much bigger risk to deal with. Ignoring this condition could only prove foolhardy since you will end up using a lot more money, time and effort dealing with these hazardous pests. What’s worse is that once the infestation explodes, no amount of effort or hire will seem to dent their numbers. You also need to know that one single female sac can produce more than 50 roaches, and they are known to produce more than one egg sac in their lifetime.
So what can I do to prevent the risks of an infestation?
The answer to this question is simple; get rid of them! Meaning, you will need to do the unthinkable and kill the baby roaches. As much as this might seem like a mean thing to do, there isn’t any room or time to find a much friendlier way of getting rid of them, and it’s not as easy as asking them to move out. You have two options; one is to hire a professional exterminator while the other is more practical and entails getting rid of the babies by the use of pesticides, boric acid or roach baits.